

Caballero, A., Fernández, I., Laforet, B., & Carrera, P. (2024). The link between abstract thinking style and subjective well-being: Its impact when people are in (real or perceived) financial scarcity. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 27:e7. doi:10.1017/SJP.2024.6.

Caballero, A., Laforet, B. & Carrera, P. (2024). Abstract mindset favors well-being and reduces risk behaviors for adolescents in relative scarcity. Psychology, Society and Education. In Press.

Laforet, B., Carrera, P., & Caballero, A. (2024). Breaking self-focused orientation in people who perceive economic scarcity: The influence of transcendent motivation to promote an abstract mindset and prosocial behavioural intentions. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. IN PRESS.


Other papers from previous related projects

Caballero, A., Fernández, I., Aguilar, P., Muñoz, D., & Carrera, P. (2023). Does poverty promote a different and harmful way of thinking? The links between economic scarcity, concrete construal level and risk behaviors. Current Psychology, 42(10), 8402-8413. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-021-02382-3

Carrera, P., Aguilar, P., Fernández, I., & Caballero, A. (2023). Health or wealth? The influence of perceived health and wealth threats and style of thinking on protective behaviors and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. International Journal of Social Psychology, 38:1, 66-91. DOI: .

Caballero, A., Fernández, I., Aguilar, P., & Carrera, P. (2022). The links among relative financial scarcity, thinking style, fatalism, and well-being. Their role in predicting protective behaviors against COVID-19. PsyCh Journal, 11, 885-894. DOI:

Caballero, A., Villar, S., Fernández, I., Sevillano, V., Gavilán, P. & Carrera, P. (2022). Disentangling emotions Disentangling Emotions during the Coronavirus Outbreak in Spain: Inner Emotions, Descriptive Feeling Rules and Socioemotional Conventions. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 25, E12. DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2022.7

Carrera, P., Sheppard, V.B., Caballero, A., Gómez-Trillos, S.& Hurtado-de-Mendoza, A. (2022). A culturally targeted video to promote genetic counseling in a community sample of at-risk US Latina women: The role of the concrete mindset. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(3), 1331–1342. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22718

Villar, S., Carrera, P., & Oceja, L. (2022). From aesthetics to ethics: Testing the link between an emotional experience of awe and the motive of quixoteism on (un)ethical behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 16, 508-520. DOI:

Fernández, I., Caballero, A., Muñoz, D. & Carrera, P. (2021). Media consumption for information about Covid-19 during lockdown in Spain: the influence of demographic variables, focus-alertness reaction and emotions. Estudios de Psicología, 42(3), 493-516. DOI: 10.1080/02109395.2021.1950459

Hurtado de Mendoza, A., Gomez-Trillos, S., Graves, K.D., Carrera, P., Campos, C., Anderson, L., Gronda, A., Orellana, H., Peshkin, B.N., Schwartz, M.D., Cupertino, P., Ostrove, N., Luta, G., Gonzalez, N., Sheppard, V.B. (2021). Process evaluation of a culturally targeted video for Latinas at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30(3), 730-741. DOI: 10.1002/jgc4.1361

Fernández, I., Caballero, A., Sevillano, V., Muñoz, D., Oceja, L., & Carrera, P. (2020). The bright side of abstraction: abstractness promoted more empathic concern, a more positive emotional climate, and more humanity-esteem after the Paris terrorist attacks. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 545662. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.545662

Aguilar, P., Caballero, A., Sevillano, V., Fernández, I., Muñoz, D., & Carrera, P. (2020). The Relationships between Economic Scarcity, Concrete Mindset and Risk Behavior: A Study of Nicaraguan Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3845. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17113845

Carrera, P., Fernández, I., Muñoz, D., & Caballero, A. (2019). Using Abstractness to Confront Challenges: How the Abstract Construal Level Increases People’s Willingness to Perform Desirable but Demanding Actions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 6(2), 339–349. DOI: 10.1037/xap0000244

Hurtado de Mendoza, A., Graves, K.D., Gómez-Trillos, S., Carrera, P., Campos, C., Anderson, L., Luta, G., Peshkin, B.N., Schawartz, M.D., Cupertino, A.P., Gonzalez, N., & Sheppard, V.B. (2019) Culturally targeted video improves psychosocial outcomes in Latina women at risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(23), 4793. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16234793

Carrera, P., Fernandez, I., Muñoz, D., & Caballero, A. (2019). Desires matter! Desired attitudes predict behavioural intentions in people who think abstractly: the case of eating products without added salt. International Journal of Social Psychology, 34(2), 281-306. DOI: 10.1080/02134748.2019.1583512

Villar, S., Oceja, L., Salgado, S., Stocks, E., & Carrera, P. (2019). The challenge of making this world a better place: analyzing the chivalrous quality of the quixoteism motive. Current Psychology.

Hurtado-de-Mendoza, A., Carrera, P., Parrott, W.G., Gómez-Trillos, S., Perera, R.A., & Sheppard, V.B. (2019). Applying the theory of planned behavior to examine adjuvant endocrine therapy adherence intentions. Psycho-Oncology, 28, 187-194.

Hurtado de Mendoza, A., Graves, K.D., Gómez-Trillos, S., Song, M., Anderson, L., Campos, C., Carrera, P., Ostroves, N., Peshkin, B.N., Schwartz, M.D., Ficca, N., Cupertino, A.P., Gonzalez, N., Otero, A., Huerta, E., & Sheppard, V.B. (2020). Developing a culturally targeted video to enhance the use of genetic counseling in Latina women at increased risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Journal of Community Genetics, 11, 85–99. DOI: 10.1007/s12687-019-00423-w

Carrera, P., Muñoz, D., Fernández, I., & Caballero, A. (2018). Abstractness and messages describing consequences promote healthier behavioral intentions. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 152, 515-527.

Fernández, I., Caballero, A., Muñoz, D., Aguilar, P., & Carrera, P. (2018). Relationships among Abstract Construal Level, Cross-Situational Consistency in Self-Concept, and Self-Control. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 21, 1-8

Oceja, L., Salgado, S., & Carrera, P. (2018). Do we really care for the world? Testing the link between transcendental change values and the Quixoteism motive. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40, 421-433.

Oceja, L., …, Villar, S., Salgado, S., …,Carrera, P., …, Caballero, A., …, Muñoz, D., …(2018). Revisiting the differences between instrumental and terminal values to predict (stimulating) prosocial behaviours: The transcendental-change profile. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(3). 749-768,

Carrera, P., Caballero, A., Fernández, I, & Muñoz, D. (2017). Abstractness leads people to base their behavioral intentions on desired attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 27-33.

López-Pérez, B., Carrera, P., Oceja, L., Ambrona, T., & Stocks, E. (2017). Sympathy and tenderness as components of dispositional empathic concern: Predicting helping and caring behaviors. Current Psychology, 36,

Oceja, L., Stocks, E., Ambrona, T., López-Pérez, B., & Carrera, P. (2017). Local versus Global Perceptual Scope, Empathic Concern, and Helping Preferences in Multiple-Victim Situations. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20

Oceja, L.; Villegas, M.; Beramendi, M.; & Salgado, S. (2016). “You should (not) do that”: An Evaluative Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA). Journal of Social Psychology, 156, 382-396.

Ambrona, T., Oceja, L., López-Pérez, B., & Carrera, P. (2016). Can empathic concern be generalized from one person to others? Another positive side of the “one-among-others” effect. Scandinavian Journal of Social Psychology, 57, 547-553.